Focus on Growth
We build local champions by partnering with strong local management teams, leveraging their access and expertise while maintaining a clear focus on key financial metrics. We are flexible and opportunistic (greenfield development, value-add, buy-out…) to grow our platform.
Leverage Scale
Our team has best-in-class integration and cost improvement experience. We have significant expertise in back-office scaling and digitization through high performance systems and disciplined reporting policies and processes.

Maintain Long-term Vision
We invest as majority shareholders, leveraging our team experience to improve our portfolio companies’ operations in a sustainable manner. This allows us to focus on what matters the most: create consistent value over the long term.
Leverage Entrepreneurial DNA
We share the values of the private families that are backing us and are attached to their entrepreneurial and industrial legacy. We value and support ambitious entrepreneurs, working closely together to take them to the next level.

Put People First
Businesses and technologies grow and decline, but people remain. We are convinced that people are the best asset to invest in and that value creation cannot take place without the transparent and inclusive collaboration of all stakeholders.